The most interesting thing about the debate for me was the
change in stance Obama took when answering questions. Compared to the first two
debates, he seemed to take a very aggressive role in answering questions and
challenging Romney’s credibility. He made a very large shift from the first
debate where he tended to be passive in his responses, to really taking a lead
role in getting his points across. I feel like Romney did not necessarily
change his mind set for any of the debates, but it seemed harder for him to
gain much momentum with Obama taking control. The whole process of a candidate
shifting his mindset from one debate to the next is very interesting.
The positions each candidate took were also very worth
noting. Obama was following a general theme of showing how he is a better
suited Commander in Chief with his past experience in the White House, while
Romney is inexperienced with foreign policy matters, indecisive, and changing
his stances on issues as time goes on. Romney took a more reserved approach in
the debate to not try and sway too many voters away this late in the process.
It’s interesting to note each candidate’s strategy for going into a debate, and
seeing how well they can execute that strategy.
The most interesting for me was Obama's jab about the Cold War. He was basically telling Romney that his beliefs were not only wrong but completely outdated. Obama sarcastically told Romney the the 1980's want their foreign policy back. I thought this was hilarious and if proven true, a little sad. When Romney corrected and said the were a geopolitical foe I could see his point.
I think the debate was loaded in Obama's favor because on the heavy focus on foreign policy. This is obviously Obama's strong suit because he is of course the sitting president and has a level of understanding about the issue that Romney couldn't have. That being said, Romney seemed to be much less aggressive in this debate than in previous ones and Obama looked to be the "bully". I think this will work in Romney's favor after all of his criticism.
Personally, I thought there were two interesting parts of the third debate. The first was how Obama constantly drew parallels between his policy and Romney's plans. I think he was trying to take some of Romney's momentum by saying there actually isn't much a difference between them. It is in Obama's favor to have voters think Romney doesn't actually have any new ideas.
The second part I thought was interesting was when they talked about the size of the military. Obama was very aggressive and tried to humiliate Romney. Romney talked about how the Navy had the least ships in a long time and Obama sarcastically said we have less horses and bayonets as well.
During this debate, I found some of Obama's comments towards Romney to be a bit unprofessional. I thought this was interesting how Obama seemed more aggressive throughout the debate whereas Romney seemed more subdued. One comment that stuck with me in the debate happened in the very beginning of the debate when Romney said something to the effect of "Attacking me is not on the agenda." This comment, I feel, all politicians should try and think about during a political campaign. I believe all politicians at some point or another make comments that are unprofessional towards the other party. I think that the American public is getting tired of the petty commercials and all of the bickering back and forth between candidates.
I also believe that this debate seemed pretty even in terms of who won. I think Obama did a better job in the beginning with the foreign policy. Romney does not have as much experience and came off as not being as informed on these issues. However, I think Obama's aggressiveness could have impacted some voters in a negative way. For example, I found the comment where Obama said, "Every time you offered an opinion, you've been wrong." I didn't really agree with this statement because every time is a pretty big exaggeration and it's an opinion. You can't really be wrong on an opinion. I feel Obama had the wrong choice of words on that comment. Anyways, some voters could turned away from Obama because they disliked his conduct towards Romney in some parts of the debate. Taking both of those points into consideration, I still believe this debate was a wash. Both candidates had their strengths and their weaknesses.
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